What is the “Internet of Things” or IoT?

If you are tech savvy or just try to stay up with the constant changes within the technology world, chances are you have stumbled upon many acronyms. One of the newest to emerge that has many people asking Google for help is the IoT. The Internet Of Things.

For titles, it’s the most ambiguous and non-descriptive you can get. “Things” is the word you substitute when your brain stalls and can’t come up with anything more professional or eloquent. So why is this weak word the main substance of the title? Because things is an all encompassing word. And all encompassing is exactly what IoT wants you to know about it.

From pacemakers to smart watches, the Internet of Things simply put is anything that will communicate data between devices and over networks. The newest home thermostat, door locks, light switches or refrigerator that can be controlled by your smart phone falls under this category. While all of this on the outset can seem incredibly cool and handy ( I mean, who wouldn’t want to walk into a house that is already at the perfect temperature), it does come with security concerns.

With more and more devices being connected to the internet, that means more opportunities for cyber criminals to gain vital information. With this knowledge,we have to ask then, what is being done to safeguard us? According to William H. Saito, who wrote this article on Forbes.com, if leading thinkers don’t act soon, IoT could mean “internet of threats”.  Firmware needs updated, standards need set and regulated and patches need pushed. And that’s just where the security of IoT starts.

So, are you looking suspiciously at your Smart Watch now?